- Kiersun Jones, Jie Zhu, Cory B. Jenkinson, Dong Won Kim, Mariel A. Pfeifer and Chang Hyun Khang. 2021. Disruption of the interfacial membrane leads to Magnaporthe oryzae effector-relocation and lifestyle switch during rice blast disease. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 9:681734. (Website)
- Pfeifer, M.A., and Khang, C.H. 2021. The mitotic spindle mediates nuclear migration through an extremely narrow infection structure of the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. bioRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.04.07.438902
- Lin, R., Kipreos, E.T., Zhu, J., Khang, C.H., and Kner, P. 2021. Full three-dimensional imaging deep through multicellular thick samples with subcellular resolution by structured illumination microscopy and adaptive optics. Nature Communications 12:3148. (PDF) (Website)
- Zhu, J., Jung, J. and Khang, C.H. 2021. Tandem DNA repeats contain cis-regulatory sequences that activate biotrophy-specific expression of Magnaporthe effector gene PWL2. Molecular Plant Pathology. 22:508-521. (Website)
- Mariel A. Pfeifer and Chang Hyun Khang. 2021. Nup84 persists within the nuclear envelope of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae, during mitosis. Fungal Genetics and Biology 146:103472. (Website)
- Fernandez, J., Lopez, V., Kinch, L., Pfeifer, M.A., Gray,H., Rahmanian, O., Grishin, N.V., Khang, C.H., and Orth, K. 2021. Role of two metacaspases in development and pathogenicity of the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe oryzae. mBio 12:e03471-20. (Website)
- Seongbeom Kim, Chi-Yeol Kim, Sook-Young Park, Ki-Tae Kim, Jongbum Jeon, Hyunjung Chung, Gobong Choi, Seomun Kwon, Jaeyoung Choi, Junhyun Jeon, Jong-Seong Jeon, Chang Hyun Khang, Seogchan Kang, Yong-Hwan Lee. 2020. Two nuclear effectors of the rice blast fungus modulate host immunity via transcriptional reprogramming. Nature Communications 11:5845. (Website)
- Shaun P. Stice, Kyle K. Thao, Chang Hyun Khang, David A. Baltrus, Bhabesh Dutta, Brian H. Kvitko. 2020. Thiosulfinate tolerance is a virulence strategy of an atypical bacterial pathogen of onion. Current Biology 30:3130-3140. (Website)
- Mariel A. Pfeifer*, Kiersun Jones* and Chang Hyun Khang. 2019. A strikingly-angled spindle mediates nuclear migration during colonization of rice cells infected by Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology 126:56-60. (*Equal contribution) (PDF) (Website) (Video at YouTube)
- Kiersun Jones and Chang Hyun Khang. 2018. Visualizing the movement of Magnaporthe oryzae effector proteins in rice cells during infection. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1848:103-117. (PDF) (Website)
- Mariel A. Pfeifer and Chang Hyun Khang. 2018. A nuclear contortionist: the mitotic migration of Magnaporthe oryzae nuclei during plant infection. Mycology, DOI: 10.1080/21501203.2018.1482966. (PDF) (Website)
- Kiersun Jones and Chang Hyun Khang. 2018. Vacuole dynamics in rice cells invaded by the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1789:195-203. (Website)
- Ning Zhang, Guohong Cai, Dana C. Price, Jo Anne Crouch, Pierre Gladieux, Bradley Hillman, Chang Hyun Khang, Marc-Henri LeBrun, Yong-Hwan Lee, Jing Luo, Huan Qiu, Daniel Veltri, Jennifer H. Wisecaver, Jie Zhu & Debashish Bhattacharya. 2018. Genome wide analysis of the transition to pathogenic lifestyles in Magnaporthales fungi. Scientific Reports 8: 5862. (Website)
- Emma N. Shipman*, Kiersun Jones*, Cory B. Jenkinson, Dong Won Kim, Jie Zhu, and Chang Hyun Khang. 2017. Nuclear and structural dynamics during the establishment of a specialized effector-secreting cell by Magnaporthe oryzae in living rice cells. BMC Cell Biology 18:11. (*Equal contribution) (Website)
- Cory B. Jenkinson*, Kiersun Jones*, Jie Zhu, Sara Dorhmi, and Chang Hyun Khang. 2017. The appressorium of Magnaporthe oryzae remains mitotically active during post-penetration hyphal growth. Fungal Genetics and Biology 98:35-38. (*Equal contribution) (Website) (Video at YouTube)
- Kiersun Jones*, Cory B. Jenkinson*, Maíra Borges Araújo, Jie Zhu, Rebecca Y. Kim, Dong Won Kim, and Chang Hyun Khang. 2016. Mitotic stopwatch for the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae during invasion of rice cells. Fungal Genetics and Biology 93:46-49. (*Equal contribution). (PDF) (Website) (Video at YouTube)
- Makaju, S.O.*, Jones, K*., Adhikari, L., Kim, D.W., Khang, C.H. and Missaoui, A.M. 2016. Resistance of annual ryegrass germplasm to a highly aggressive new strain of blast (gray leaf spot). Journal of Crop Improvement 30:311-322. (*Equal contribution) (PDF)
- Jones, K., Kim, D.W., Park, J.S. and Khang, C.H. 2016. Live-cell fluorescence imaging to investigate the dynamics of plant cell death during infection by the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. BMC Plant Biology 16:69. (PDF) (Website)
- Park, S-Y, Choi, J., Lim, S-E, Lee, G-W, Park, J., Kim, Y., Kong, S., Kim, S. R., Rho, H-S, Jeon, J., Chi, M-H, Kim, S., Khang, C. H., Kang, S. and Lee, Y-H. 2013. Global expression profiling of transcription factor genes provides new insights into pathogenicity and stress responses in the rice blast fungus. PLoS Pathogen 9(6):e1003350. (PDF) (Website)
- Park, C-H, Chen, S., Shirsekar, G., Zhou, B., Khang, C.H., Songkumarn, P., Afzal, A.J., Ning, Y., Wang, R., Bellizzi, M., Valent, B. and Wang, G-L. 2012. The Magnaporthe oryzae effector AvrPiz-t targets the RING E3 ubiquitin ligase APIP6 to suppress pathogen-associated molecular pattern–triggered immunity in rice. Plant Cell 24:4748-4762. (PDF) (Website)
- Valent, B., Khang, C.H., Giraldo, M.C., Yi, M. and Dalby, M. 2011. Towards understanding effector secretion, translocation and cell-to-cell trafficking during biotrophic invasion by the rice blast fungus. In: Proceedings of the US-Japan Seminar on Genome-Enabled Integration of Research in Plant-Pathogen Systems. (T. Wolpert, T. Shiraishi, eds.) APS Press, St. Paul, Minnesota, pp. 81-92.
- Khang, C.H., Berruyer, R., Giraldo, M.C., Kankanala, P., Park, S., Czymmek, K., Kang, S. and Valent, B. 2010. Translocation of Magnaporthe oryzae effectors into rice cells and their subsequent cell-to-cell movement. Plant Cell 22:1388-1403. (PDF) (Website) (Highlighted in Nature Reviews Microbiology 8: 466-467, 2010, and in The Plant Cell 22: 996, 2010; Rated “F1000 Biology Must Read”)
- Khang, C.H. and Valent, B. 2010. Magnaporthe oryzae and rice blast disease. In: Cellular and Molecular Biology of Filamentous Fungi. (eds. K. Borkovich, D. Ebbole, and M. Momany) ASM Press, Washington D.C., pp. 593-606. (PDF)
- Valent, B and Khang, C.H. 2010. Recent advances in rice blast effector research. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 13:434-441. (PDF) (Website) (Featured on the cover of the journal)
- Mosquera, G., Giraldo, M., Khang, C.H., Coughlan, S. and Valent, B. 2009. Interaction transcriptome analysis identifies biotrophy-associated secreted proteins in rice blast disease. Plant Cell 21:1273-1290. (PDF) (Rated "F1000 Biology Must Read")
- Yi, M., Chi, M., Khang, C.H., Park, S., Kang, S., Valent, B., and Lee, Y. 2009. The ER chaperone MoLHS1 is involved in asexual development and rice infection by the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Plant Cell 21:681-695. (PDF) (Highlighted in The Plant Cell 21:366, 2009)
- Kankanala, P., Mosquera, G., Khang, C.H., Valdovinos-Ponce, G., Valent, B. 2009. Cellular and molecular analyses of biotrophic invasion by the rice blast fungus. In: Advances in Genetics, Genomics and Control of Rice Blast Disease. (eds. G.L. Wang and B. Valent) Springer Science and Business Media, New York, New York, pp. 83-91.
- Khang, C.H., Park, S., Lee, Y., Valent, B., and Kang, S. 2008. Genome organization and evolution of the AVR-Pita avirulence gene family in the Magnaporthe grisea species complex. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 21:658-670. (PDF)
- Jeon, J., Park, S., Chi, M., Choi, J., Park, J., Rho, H., Kim, S., Goh, J., Yoo, S., Choi, J., Park, J., Yi, M., Yang, S., Kwon, M., Han, S., Kim, B., Khang, C.H., Park, B., Lim, S., Jung, K., Kong, S., Karunakaran, M., Oh, H., Kim, H., Kim, S., Park, J., Kang, S., Choi, W., Kang, S., and Lee, Y. 2007. Genome-wide functional analysis of pathogenicity genes in rice blast fungus. Nature Genetics 39: 561-565. (PDF)
- Kang, S., Blair, J., Geiser, D., Khang, C.H., Park, S., Gahegan, M., O’Donnell, K., Luster, D., Kim, S., Ivors, K., Lee, Y., Lee, Y., Grünwald, N., Martin, F., Coffey, M., Veeraraghavan, N., Makalowska, I. 2006. Plant pathogen culture collections: It takes a village to preserve these libraries of genetic and phenotypic diversity with key roles in agricultural security and the advancement of plant pathology. Phytopathology 96:920-925.
- Khang, C.H., Park, S., Rho, H., Lee, Y. and Kang, S. 2006. Filamentous fungi (Magnaporthe grisea and Fusarium oxysporum). In: Agrobacterium. Protocols. (ed. K. Wang). Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, pp. 403-420. (PDF)
- Khang, C.H., Park, S., Lee, Y., and Kang, S. 2005. A dual selection based, targeted gene replacement method for Magnaporthe grisea and Fusarium oxysporum. Fungal Genetics and Biology 42: 483-492. (PDF) (Featured on the cover of the journal)
- Gao, W., Khang, C.H., Park, S., Lee, Y., and Kang, S. 2002. Evolution and organization of a highly dynamic, subtelomeric helicase gene family in the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe grisea. Genetics 162: 103-112. (PDF)
- Lee, Y. and Khang, C.H. 1999. Signal transduction pathways for infection structure formation in the rice blast fungus, Magnaporthe grisea. The Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Plant Biotechnology 13:41-44.
- Kang, S., Khang, C.H., and Lee, Y. 1999. Regulation of cAMP-dependent protein kinase during appressorium formation in Magnaporthe grisea. FEMS Microbiology Letters 170:419-423. (PDF)